Learning Resource Centre Remote Access FAQs

Who do I contact if I forget my password?

If you have forgotten your password fill in this form.
If you want to reset your password, follow the instructions here.

Help! My browser does not allow me to login?

It may be that your browser does not support MyDay. If this is the case, download a new version of your browser or try Firefox  or  Chrome .  If you’re still having problems email

How do I access MyDay and Office 365 from home.

You can access MyDay and Office 365 by following the instructions here .  

How do I download Office 365 (for FREE) to my home computer/laptop?

Follow the download instructions for Office 365 here .

How do I use Office 365?

Watch Office 365 training videos for Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Publisher, here .

How do I save my work to One Drive?

Step by step guide to save your work to One Drive is here .

I haven’t got Microsoft Office on my PC/laptop.  How can I do my work?

When you login to your MyDay account, you will be able to use the online versions of Office as you do in college. If you need to work offline you can also download Microsoft Office onto your home device for free using your college login.  To find out how to do this, click  here

How to I access the BKSB test?

Go to  and select the BKSB tab; or click here to sign in to BKSB directly.

The library is closed.  What can I do?

We have lots of resources available online which you can access through MyDay .  

Simply login  to MyDay and click on the LRC  tile.  On this page, you will find information on  e-books  and  online resources , as well as how to guidesstudy skills  section and a well-being  section.  If you require further assistance, email

I’m not sure how to use e-books from the LRC? 

For step by step instructions how to use e-books click here

I have library books that will soon be overdue. What can I do?

Keep your library books safe, regularly check your emails and the college website for updates. Once the college re-opens return your books and all fines accrued will be waive

My username doesn’t work on Myday/Moodle/BKSB.

Your username will not be the same for all applications.  See below for the format in which to enter it. 
